Wednesday, April 20, 2011

the stuff

A registry is extremely overwhelming to me. Why are there 45 options for a cheese "grater" at Target?! Fine grater, medium grater, zester, rainbow colored, greater grater, one that turns your cheese into gold. I mean....c'mon. Maybe I'll just register for a variety of already shredded cheese instead of making all these decisions.

Also finding it hard to get things to decorate our home with that are new. We are both flea market/thrift store addicts and appreciate the "gently used" 60s wares as opposed to the modern look. Just yesterday, Jonathan said to me...."I want to able to look at our {fully covered with frames, art, etc} wall and say, 'this wall cost us $20.' "

1 comment:

  1. Should I ship your gift to Boston or keep it here in chicago?
